
    1 - Generic Functions

    Generic Functions

    Generics allow you to create functions that can work with different types while maintaining type safety.

    The syntax for defining a generic function includes type parameters that act as placeholders for the types that will be provided when the function is called.

    // Syntax for a generic function with different input and output types
    function concatenate<X, Y>(param1: X, param2: Y): string {
    return `${param1} ${param2}`;

    In this example:

    • <X, Y> represent the types of input parameters that the function will accept.
    • param1: X indicates that the parameter param1 is of type X.
    • Similarly, param2: Y indicates that the parameter param1 is of type Y.
    • The function returns a value of type string, regardless of the input and output parameters.

    Let's look at another example:

    function functionName<T>(parameter1: T): T {
    return parameter1;
    • This function accepts only one type of input parameter <T>
    • Therefore the type of parameter1 is T as denoted by: (parameter1: T)
    • We can use any valid identifier instead of T, but T is most commonly used as it stands for "type".
    • The function also returns a value of type T, hence we denote :T after the declaration and before the opening curly brace { to specify the return type as T.

    A generic function can accept parameters of different types and return results of those types.

    // genericFunctions.ts
    // A generic function that accepts multiple elements and logs the element passed to it
    function logData<T>(data: T): T {
    return data;
    // Using the function with different types
    let stringLog = logData<string>("User login successful");
    let numberLog = logData<number>(42);
    let objectLog = logData<{ userId: number; action: string }>({
    userId: 123,
    action: "login",
    // Outputs to the console
    // "User login successful"
    // 42
    // { userId: 123, action: 'login' }

    The function can be used to log any type of data without needing multiple logging functions for different types.

    But Can't I just use any

    Consider this scenario:

    function logDataAny(data: any): any {
    // No error at compile time, Possible runtime error
    return data;
    // VS
    function logDataGeneric<T>(data: T): T {
    // Warning T may not be a number and have `toFixed` method
    console.log(data.toFixed()); // Error here
    Property 'toFixed' does not exist on type 'T'.2339Property 'toFixed' does not exist on type 'T'.
    return data;

    If we use the any type we lose all error-checking. It's better to use the generic because Typescript will warn us before we use any methods or properties that may not exist at runtime.

    It's better to find these errors and run checks at compile time, rather than find out about them at runtime.