
    2 - Solution to Challenge 1

    End of Lesson

    Here is the solution for the 1st Challenge

    There is more than one specific way to complete the exercise and meet the requirements.

    You may have chosen to complete the task differently, that's okay.

    Compare your solution to the one presented below to see if there is room to refactor your code based on the ideas below.

    // We save these common references to use in multiple functions
    const form = document.getElementById("search-form") as HTMLFormElement;
    const cart = document.querySelector("#cart .cart-items") as HTMLUListElement;
    window.onload = () => {
    // Register a function on page load to handle the form submit
    form.onsubmit = handleForm;
    // Define a structure for a Book
    // This is Optional: not technically required to complete the exercise
    interface Book {
    key: string;
    title: string;
    publisher?: string[];
    author_name?: string;
    first_publish_year?: number;
    isbn?: string[];
    cover_i?: string;
    number_of_pages_median?: number;
    // Our function to handle the form submission
    async function handleForm(e: Event): Promise<void> {
    // Stop the form from submtting traditionally
    // Get the value of the search input field
    const searchField = form.querySelector(
    ) as HTMLInputElement;
    // Trim away whitespaces
    const searchTerm = searchField.value.trim();
    if (searchTerm.length > 0) {
    // Set the Submit button and input field to loading state
    try {
    const books = await fetchBooks(searchTerm);
    } catch (error) {
    showError("Failed to fetch books. Please try again.");
    } finally {
    async function fetchBooks(searchTerm: string): Promise<Book[]> {
    // Make a call to the OpenLibrary API
    const response = await fetch(
    if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error("Network response was not ok");
    const data = await response.json();
    return as Book[];
    function toggleLoadingState(isLoading: boolean) {
    const submitButton = form.querySelector(
    ) as HTMLButtonElement;
    const results = document.getElementById("results") as HTMLElement;
    const searchField = form.querySelector(
    ) as HTMLInputElement;
    searchField.disabled = isLoading;
    submitButton.disabled = isLoading;
    submitButton.setAttribute("aria-busy", isLoading.toString());
    submitButton.innerHTML = isLoading ? "Loading..." : "Search";
    results.setAttribute("aria-busy", isLoading.toString());
    function displayBooks(books: Book[]) {
    const results = document.getElementById("results") as HTMLElement;
    results.innerHTML = "";
    if (books.length === 0) {
    results.innerHTML = "No results found.";
    books.forEach((book) => {
    const bookElement = createBookElement(book, "results");
    // Common function to handle DOM manipulation for results and cart section
    function createBookElement(
    book: Book,
    location: "results" | "cart"
    ): HTMLElement {
    const bookElement =
    location === "cart"
    ? document.createElement("li")
    : document.createElement("article");
    bookElement.className = location === "cart" ? "item" : "book";
    const coverBox = document.createElement("div");
    coverBox.className = "cover";
    const image = document.createElement("img");
    image.src = book.cover_i
    ? `${book.cover_i}-M.jpg`
    : "/public/no-image.svg";
    image.alt = book.title;
    const info = document.createElement("div");
    info.className = "info";
    const title =
    location === "cart"
    ? document.createElement("p")
    : document.createElement("h3");
    title.className = "title";
    title.innerHTML = `<a href="${book.key}">${book.title}</a>`;
    const author = document.createElement("p");
    author.className = "author";
    author.innerHTML = book.author_name
    ? `- ${book.author_name}`
    : "- Unknown Author";
    if (location === "results") {
    const isbn = document.createElement("p");
    isbn.className = "isbn";
    isbn.innerHTML = `ISBN: ${book.isbn?.[0] || "N/A"}`;
    const meta = document.createElement("p");
    meta.className = "meta";
    meta.innerText = `${book.publisher?.[0] || ""}, ${
    book.first_publish_year || ""
    }, ${
    book.number_of_pages_median ? book.number_of_pages_median + " pages" : ""
    // Results have an 'Add to Cart' functionality
    const button = document.createElement("button");
    button.innerHTML = "Add to Cart";
    button.setAttribute("data-book-id", book.key);
    button.addEventListener("click", () => addToCart(book, button));
    } else {
    // cart has a remove button
    const remove = document.createElement("button");
    remove.className = "remove";
    remove.innerHTML = "Remove";
    remove.addEventListener("click", () => {
    const addToCartButton = document.querySelector(
    `#results button[data-book-id="${book.key}"]`
    ) as HTMLButtonElement;
    if (addToCartButton) {
    addToCartButton.disabled = false;
    addToCartButton.innerHTML = "Add to Cart";
    return bookElement;
    function addToCart(book: Book, button: HTMLButtonElement) {
    const item = createBookElement(book, "cart");
    // Create a cart item: i.e. without ISBN and meta fields
    button.disabled = true;
    button.innerHTML = "Added...";
    // Remove the 'Your Cart is Empty' message, if it exists
    const empty = document.querySelector(".empty") as HTMLLIElement;
    if (empty) empty.remove();
    // Enable the Cart Actions
    const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(
    "#cart button"
    ) as NodeListOf<HTMLButtonElement>;
    buttons.forEach((btn) => (btn.disabled = false));
    // Update the Count of items in the cart
    function countCartItems() {
    const cartCount = document.querySelector("label#cart-icon");
    if (cartCount) {
    const items = document.querySelectorAll("#cart li.item");
    cartCount.setAttribute("data-count", items.length.toString());
    function clearCart() {
    const cart = document.querySelector("#cart .cart-items") as HTMLUListElement;
    if (cart) {
    // Replace the 'Your Cart is Empty' message
    cart.innerHTML = "<li class='empty'>Your Cart is Empty!</li>";
    // Disable the Cart Actions since it's empty
    const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(
    "#cart button"
    ) as NodeListOf<HTMLButtonElement>;
    buttons.forEach((button) => (button.disabled = true));
    // Remove the 'Added to Cart' message on the results
    // and enable the Add action
    const addToCartButtons = document.querySelectorAll(
    "#results button"
    ) as NodeListOf<HTMLButtonElement>;
    addToCartButtons.forEach((button) => {
    button.disabled = false;
    button.innerHTML = "Add to Cart";
    // Update the count of the cart
    } else {
    showError("Cart not found.");
    function showError(message: string) {
    const results = document.getElementById("results") as HTMLElement;
    results.innerHTML = `<p class="error">${message}</p>`;
    const dialog = document.querySelector(
    ) as HTMLDialogElement;
    const showButton = document.querySelector(
    ) as HTMLButtonElement;
    const closeButton = document.querySelector(
    ) as HTMLButtonElement;
    showButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
    // Get a list of all the items from the cart and copy it to the Request Books modal
    const requestModal = document.querySelector(
    "#request-modal ul"
    ) as HTMLUListElement;
    requestModal.innerHTML = cart.innerHTML;
    // Empty the cart
    closeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {